DigiTool Migration Workflow: Difference between revisions

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*'''Mapped Network Drive to at least one of the partners' Rosetta submission folders'''
*'''Mapped Network Drive to at least one of the partners' Rosetta submission folders'''
*'''Mapped Network Drive to DigiTool server'''
*'''Mapped Network Drive to DigiTool server'''

Revision as of 16:55, 15 August 2018

Developed by Kevin Powell in 2018 to migrate Center for Jewish History assets from DigiTool to Rosetta.



  • Mapped Network Drive to at least one of the partners' Rosetta submission folders
    • /storage1/operational_shared/submissions/[PARTNER_CODE]
  • Mapped Network Drive to DigiTool server
    • /storage6/bigstreams6/dtl-export
  • Access to the Export Digital Entities job in DigiTool for at least 1 admin unit

Export from DigiTool

  1. Make sure you are connected to the correct Admin Unit
    • DigiTool → Connect To
  2. Start Export Digital Entities Job
    1. Management → Maintenance → Submit New Job
    2. Choose Export Digital Entities from list
    3. Search for collection and/or objects to be migrated
    4. Click Next
    5. Set the Export directory
      • [YYYYMMDD]-[PartnerCode]-[DescriptiveText]
        • [YYYYMMDD] is the date format.
          • E.g. 20180403
        • [PartnerCode]
          • AJH01
          • ASF01
          • LBI01
          • YIV01
          • YUM01
        • [DescriptiveText] can be the call number, name of collection, a simple description, etc.
      • Add sequential number to end of folder name if this is the one of multiple exports with the same name
    6. Set Format to “Digital Entities”
    7. Select the “Include Streams” and “Export Related Objects” boxes
    8. Click Next
    9. Click Confirm
  3. Monitor the Export job
    • Management → Maintenance → Monitor
  4. Save Export job log once job is complete
    1. Search for Job log
      • Management → Maintenance → Jobs List
        • Job Name = Export Digital Entities
        • Admin Unit = Partner whose objects are being exported
        • Job Status = Completed
    2. Click eye icon under “Action” on the far left
    3. In the pop up window, choose “Log”
    4. Click eye icon under “Action” on the far left
    5. Copy and paste contents of log into text document and save with the name of the export folder.
      • [YYYYMMDD]-[PartnerCode]-[DescriptiveText].txt
      • Save file on Rosetta server at /storage1/operational_shared/migration/migration_logs/dtl_logs
  5. Move DigiTool export to Rosetta server
    • /storage1/operational_shared/migration/[PartnerCode]
    • Be patient, this may take awhile!


  1. Open Rosetta Deposit Processor
  2. If the migration deposit DOES NOT require a complex structMap:
  3. If the migration deposit DOES require a complex structMap:

Rosetta Ingest

Quality Assurance (QA)