How to Edit Dublin Core Records

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Rosetta relies exclusively on Dublin Core for descriptive metadata. In many cases, we will be synchronizing these descriptive DC records with MARC -> Dublin Core metadata that comes from Aleph. The Dublin Core record will be replaced upon synchronization. However, there might be instances when staff will need to edit a Dublin Core record (for example, to change the Aleph system number, which Rosetta uses to facilitate the synchronization.)


1. Click "Go" in the "Preserved" frame on the far right of the Rosetta Management Dashboard.

Tif tutorial 1.png

2. Select one or more metadata fields you want to search on and enter your search term.

Hint: You can search by the SIP ID or IE PID if you have them.
Tif tutorial 2.png

3. Click the "Editor" link for the desired Intellectual Entity.

Tif tutorial 3.PNG

4. Lock the Intellectual Entity (IE).

Replace tutorial 4.png

5. Click "Metadata" tab then click "Edit" on the DC row.

Edit dc 1.PNG

6. Click the name of the field that needs to be edited.

Edit dc 2.PNG

7. Update the value and click "Save Field"

Edit dc 3.1.PNG

8. Click "Save" on the Dublin Core record

Edit dc 3.2.PNG

9. Select Commit Changes from the bottom-right menu to save the changes and unlock the IE

Edit dc 4.png