Rosetta Deposit Processor Tools
Tools are located in the Tools menu of the Rosetta Deposit Processor app.
Count Formats
- Tools --> Formats
- Counts in a folder and its subfolders
- Example log
TIP: Helpful when organizing a deposit into 'master' and 'access' subfolders
Get Size
- Tools --> Get Size
- Calculates the total size of a folder
- Example log
Extract EAD Labels
- Tools --> Get Size
- Creates CSV of Folder Labels from EAD file
- Column A is the archival Box and/or archival Folder number, Column B is the label
- Column A should be replaced by the folder name where the digitized objects can be found.
- Example Log
- Example Output
- Creates CSV of Folder Labels from EAD file
TIP: Useful if not all of the EAD file levels are or will be digitized. Once Column A is replaced by the folder name where the digitized objects can be found, this CSV can be used as Metadata in the Processor CSV Workflow.
Extract PIDs
- Tools --> Extract PIDs
- Generates log of PIDs extracted from a folder of EAD file(s). PIDs can be extracted from more than one EAD at a time.
- Only accessible when viewing the Migration Deposit Type screen.
- PIDs are printed in the correct format for searching in DigiTool.
- If there are more than 200 PIDs, they will be separated into batches of 200 or less.
- You can only search for 200 PIDs at a time in DigiTool
- Log can be saved by going to File --> Save Log
- Example log
TIP: Helpful for finding EAD-related material in DigiTool to export.
Dump Files
- Tools --> Dump Files
- Dumps files from the subfolders of a chosen path into the top level of that path.
- E.G. Grandparent/Parent/Child.txt new path will be Grandparent/Child.txt
- This process is irreversible and should be used with caution. Empty subfolders must be deleted manually.
- Example log
- Dumps files from the subfolders of a chosen path into the top level of that path.
TIP: Helpful if files need to be re-sorted into subfolders.