Rosetta Deposit Processor Tools

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Tools are located in the Tools menu of the Rosetta Deposit Processor app.

EAD Tools

Extract EAD Labels

  • Tools → EAD Tools → Extract EAD Labels
    • Creates CSV of Folder Labels from EAD file
      • Column A is the archival Box and/or archival Folder number, Column B is the label
      • Column A should be replaced by the folder name where the digitized objects can be found.
    • Example Log
    • Example Output

TIP: Useful if some of the EAD file levels are not or will not be digitized. Once Column A is replaced by the folder name where the digitized objects can be found, this CSV can be used as Metadata in the Processor CSV Workflow.

Extract PIDs

  • Tools → EAD Tools → Extract PIDs
    • Generates log of PIDs extracted from a folder of EAD file(s). PIDs can be extracted from more than one EAD at a time.
    • Only accessible when viewing the Migration Deposit Type screen.
    • PIDs are printed in the correct format for searching in DigiTool.
    • If there are more than 200 PIDs, they will be separated into batches of 200 or less.
      • You can only search for 200 PIDs at a time in DigiTool
    • Log can be saved by going to File --> Save Log
    • Example log

TIP: Helpful for finding EAD-related material in DigiTool to export.

Merge Batches

Merges export batches into one folder


  1. Locate batch folders
  2. Create an empty folder in the same location as the batches. Give the folder the same prefix as the batches.
    • E.G. If there are two folders called SmithPapers-001 and SmithPapers-002, create a folder called "SmithPapers."
  3. Go to Tools--> Merge Batches
  4. Locate the newly created empty folder

Count Formats

  • Tools --> Formats
    • Counts in a folder and its subfolders
    • Example log

TIP: Helpful for determining the preservation formats when organizing a deposit into 'master' and 'access' subfolders.

Get Size

  • Tools --> Get Size
    • Calculates the total size of a folder
    • Example log

Dump Files

  • Tools --> Dump Files
    • Dumps files from the subfolders of a chosen path into the top level of that path.
      • E.G. If Grandparent is the chosen path, then Grandparent/Parent/Child.txt will be moved to Grandparent/Child.txt
    • This process is irreversible and should be used with caution. Empty subfolders must be deleted manually.
    • Example log

TIP: Helpful if a process needs to be redone after files were sorted into subfolders. E.G. if the Processor Organize Workflow needs to be redone.