Web Deposit Workflow

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There is a manual deposit workbench for those who do not want to wait for a submission job to run.


  • Access to Rosetta back end.
  • A processed deposit.
    • See [New_Deposits] for information on how to put together a deposit.


1. Move or copy the deposit folder to the appropriate submission folder.

Manual dep 1a.png

2. Go to http://digipres.cjh.org:1801

3. Click Rosetta Deposit.

Manual dep 1.PNG

4. Log in with credentials.

Manual dep 2.PNG

5. Click Add Deposit Activity.

Manual dep 3.PNG

6. Choose Material Flow.

  • CSV, Dublin Core (DC), METS
Manual dep 4.PNG

7. Select the correct deposit folder and click Next.

Manual dep 5.PNG

8. Confirm the Files location and click Submit Deposit.

Manual dep 6.PNG

9. Make note of the SIP ID and monitor the deposit's progress by clicking "History."

Manual dep 7.PNG

10. Add a done file to the deposit folder

  • Download done.zip
  • Extract 'done' file from zip
  • Place 'done' file inside deposit folder next to the content folder
Manual dep 8.PNG