ArchivesSpace is the Center's system for creating, storing, and publishing Finding Aids. It is an open-source system hosted by Lyrasis and was implemented in 2019. CJH Partners received access to ArchivesSpace in December 2019.
- Public ArchivesSpace Interface:
- Staff ArchivesSpace Interface:
If you do not have credentials for either the staff interface or the ArchivesSpace Help Center, please contact CJH's Processing Lab or CJH's Metadata Lab.
Local Documentation
- ArchivesSpace Manual for Local Usage at CJH (PDF, June 2019)
- How to Export an EAD from ArchivesSpace
Workflow Templates
- Accession CSV Mapping
- ASpace Digital Object Exports
- containerList.xlsx Bulk Container List Ingest
- Digital Object CSV Mapping
- EAD Import Export Mapping
- MARCXML Import Export Mapping
External Documentation
- Public ArchivesSpace Wiki
- ArchivesSpace Help Center (sign-in required)