DigiTool Migration

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DigiTool Migration

Used for migrating non-complex objects from DigiTool to Rosetta.


  • CSV template
- Current template version is available for download here.
  • An export folder from DigiTool that is organized into “digital_entities” and “streams” subfolders.
- This organization is the default structure of DigiTool exports.


  • Supply path to CSV template
  • Supply path to export folder
Migration 1.PNG
  • Submit
- The log will provide the path for the deposit folder. This folder can be copied to [ TBD ] for Rosetta migration.
- This process extracts the technical and administrative metadata exported by DigiTool and creates Metadata Update files. These files will be used to update the migrated objects' metadata once they're ingested into Rosetta.
- An example of a successful DigiTool Migration process log can be viewed here.

DigiTool Migration - Complex

Used for migrating complex objects from DigiTool to Rosetta. This process takes significantly longer than the other migration workflow. It creates METS files which includes technical, administrative, and structmap metadata.


  • An export folder from DigiTool that is organized into “digital_entities” and “streams” subfolders.
- This organization is the default structure of DigiTool exports.


  • Supply path to export folder
Migration complex.PNG
  • Submit
- The log will provide the path for the deposit folders. These folders can be copied to [ TBD ] for Rosetta migration.
- An example of a successful DigiTool Migration process log can be viewed here.