Web Deposit Workflow

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There is a manual deposit workbench for those who do not want to wait for a submission job to run.



  • Access to Rosetta back end.
  • A processed deposit.
    • See [New_Deposits] for information on how to put together a deposit.

Accessing Workbench

1. Move or copy the deposit folder to the appropriate submission folder.

Manual dep 1a.png

2. Go to [1] 3. Click Rosetta Deposit.

File:Manual dep 1.png

4. Log in with credentials.

File:Manual dep 2.png

5. Click Add Deposit Activity.

File:Manual dep 3.png

6. Choose Material Flow.

  • CSV, Dublin Core (DC), METS
File:Manual dep 4.png

7. Select the correct deposit folder and click Next.

File:Manual dep 5.png

8. Confirm the Files location and click Submit Deposit.

File:Manual dep 6.png

9. Make note of the SIP ID and monitor the deposit's progress by clicking "History."

File:Manual dep 7.png

10. Add a done file to the deposit folder

  • Download done.zip
  • Extract 'done' file from zip
  • Place 'done' file inside deposit folder next to the content folder
File:Manual dep 8.png