Post-Ingest Aleph Workflows

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Required steps in Aleph after ingesting material into Rosetta. For information on how to add these fields to Aleph in a batch, download this tutorial.

If you are synchronizing a Rosetta record with Aleph, do NOT use the system number for a collection-level EAD record. The synchronization does not add fields, rather it replaces the entire Dublin Core record in Rosetta with the record coming out of Aleph. This means that a collection-level system number will replace the specific folder name with collection-level metadata.

Add Two Fields to Aleph Record

Add 856 Link

  • Field = 856
    • Indicators
      • ind1 = 4
      • ind2
        • ' ' = no information
        • '1' = digitized material
        • '0' = born-digital material
  • $$z Digital Form
  • $$u[Insert IE PID Here]

856 link.PNG

Add ROS Field

  • Field = ROS
  • $$a Y
  • $$b [Aleph System Number with leading zeros]
    • This number should match the Aleph system number stored in Rosetta.

Ros field.PNG