How to Save a Search Query

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Saved queries are useful for sharing sets of IEs with colleagues as well as tracking work.

For example, if someone did a search for every LBI Intellectual Entity uploaded after 11/01/2018 and saved that query, the results of that saved query (see step six below) will continue to update as more IEs are added.


1. Click "Go" in the "Preserved" frame on the far right of the Rosetta Management Dashboard.

Tif tutorial 1.png

2. Select one or more metadata fields you want to search on and enter your search term.

Tif tutorial 2.png

3. Click "Save Query As" at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Save query as 1.PNG

4. Assign a descriptive name for the query and add a note. Save.

Save query as 2.PNG

5. Locate the Saved Query at Data Management --> Saved Queries

Save query as 4.png

6. Share the ID or name with others who need to review the query.

7. To see results of a saved query, click Results.

Save query as 3.png